• The first 12 lessons in Square Dancing are required to become a “Westcoast” square dancer. This is a designation only found on Vancouver Island. After you achieve this level you will be able to attend any “Westcoast” dance that is offer at any club on the Island. After completing the next 12 lessons you will become a “Mainstream” square dancer and can attend any “Westcoast” or “Mainstream” dance any place in the world. (all square dance calling is done in English).
• The key to successful square dancing, is listening to the caller.
• Ask if you don't understand!
• The male OR female partner has to remember not to grab the arm of the other dancer. All partners should touch the forearm of the other dancer with his/her palm open, and leave
it open.
• Try to dance in different squares throughout the evening.
• Square your sets: Is a call for dancers to return to home positions.
• Tip - A set of two square dances.
• Men should wear long-sleeved shirts. Just custom I think, except in summer!
• Don’t dance at the back of the hall, get up front where you can hear the caller, it really helps!
• Go to all the other clubs that you can.
• Keep dancing in the summer.
• You're NEVER through learning
• Enjoy yourself...have fun!!